Rare Greek Words Few People Use
Rare Greek Words Few People Use

You may have started learning Greek and you want to impress your fellow students, teachers, and native speakers. Helinika comes to the rescue by providing you with a list of rare Greek words only avid speakers use. Some of these words might give an “it’s all Greek to me” reaction even to your Greek language teacher. Let’s get started.

Rare Greek Words That Will Upgrade Your Vocabulary

  • Αλεξιβρόχιο: synonym of «ομπρέλα» (umbrella).
  • Αμφίψωμο: synonym of «σάντουιτς» (sandwich).
  • Βαυκαλίζω: to fool someone with fake promises.
  • Δερματοστιξία: a synonym of «τατουάζ» (tattoo art).
  • Εκμαυλίζω: to corrupt someone.
  • Ευκαταφρόνητος: negligible, a person that is worth ignoring.
  • Ζοφερός: dark, a person or situation that instills fear and negative emotions.
  • Ιλαρός: synonym of «χαρούμενος» (happy).
  • Κίβδηλος: fraudulent, counterfeit.
  • Λεξιθηρία: what you are currently doing: looking for rare words to use.
  • Μονολιθικός: inflexible, someone who is unable to change his or her point of view.
  • Πτωχαλαζών: someone who is poor and arrogant at the same time.
  • Ρηξικέλευθος: groundbreaking.
  • Ταχυφαγείο: synonym of «φασφουντάδικο» (fast-food restaurant).
  • Φενάκη: synonym of «περούκα» (wig), fraud, deception.

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