Hyperopia, progeria, archidendron, alektrorophobia, anthocyanin. What do these words have in common? Well, not only are they scientific terms used in medicine, psychology, botany, and chemistry, but they also derive from Greek words.
Rumor has it that Greek-speakers (native and proficient) have an advantage in science. This is because they don’t have to try memorizing complex terminology that means nothing to them. “Alektorophobia”, for example, derives from the Greek words “alektor” (rooster) and “phobia” (fear). Greek-speakers immediately know what this irrational fear is all about.
Can a native Greek speaker pass the test?
00:00 Can a Greek-speaker Understand These Scientific Terms? 0
0:46 Dysentery
01:13 Hyperopia
01:52 Diptheria
02:16 Progeria
02:37 Sycophant
03:28 Antidote
03:52 Alektorophobia
04:09 Cryophobia
04:21 Nephophobia
04:53 Onomatophobia
05:23 Aerophobia
05:39 Hemophobia
06:00 Ophidiophobia
06:13 Campanula
06:38 Paranthropus
06:51 Archidendron (Grandiflorum)
07:25 Anthocyanin
07:39 Bacteriophage
07:56 Bromine
08:12 Cephalopod
08:31 Pterodactyl
08:48 Gametophyte
09:05 So, Do Greeks Have an Advantage in Science?