Social Engineering Attacks

It’s a common misconception that hackers and bad actors only use advanced technological methods to steal our data. Well, hackers may take help from technology, but it’s not the only way they steal our data.

One of the innovative ways that hackers have come up with over time is social engineering attacks to access our data. It includes hackers using human interaction to steal data. They may manipulate users to reveal sensitive information by using different techniques. So, it wouldn’t be wrong to say that socially engineered attacks target human vulnerabilities rather than exploiting devices to steal data.

Below, I’m going to explain everything you need to know about this well-crafted technique used by hackers. Plus, I will also provide some easy yet crucial tips on how you can keep your data safe from these attacks:

How Social Engineering Attacks Work

To carry out a social engineering attack, hackers may approach their victims in different ways. In most cases, hackers do not steal data in a single interaction as these attacks may be conducted in multiple steps.

The below pointers define a standard step-by-step approach to a social engineering attack:

  • Perpetrators may do extensive research about their victims before initiating a social engineering attack.
  • They may also identify potential roadblocks such as security protocols enabled on their target’s device to steal data.
  • After getting all information they need, they may come in contact with their target. Then, they may try to gain their target’s trust by faking their identity.
  • Once the grounds are set, they may ask their victims for sensitive information such as social security numbers, credit card information, bank details, etc. They may also ask victims to install a malicious app, tool, or software.
  • Once their goals are accomplished, these hackers may bring the interaction to a natural end to avoid any suspicions.

Types of Social Engineering Attacks:

Although social engineering attacks have numerous types, here, I’ll discuss the most significant ones:

· Phishing:

Arguably, phishing is one of the most common types of social engineering attacks. In most cases, hackers may engage with their victims by sending malicious content via emails, SMS, calls, etc. Most times, the malicious content appears to be sent from a legitimate source that victims may trust easily.

The following are some major types of phishing attacks:

  • Email Phishing: Bad actors impersonate a legitimate business or government authority and randomly send malicious emails to their targets.
  • Spear Phishing: Hackers may carefully identify their target, do extensive research, and send tailored emails.
  • Whaling: In whaling, bad actors may only target high-profile professionals like executives, managers, etc. working in an organization.
  • Vishing: In vishing, hackers may frame their victims via phone calls or voice notes.

· Baiting:

As the name implies, baiting is the bad actors’ motive to lure their targets into revealing their sensitive information. They may first gain their target’s trust, explore their interests, and then make a false offer/promise that satisfies their interests.

The following are some major types of baiting:

  • Malvertising: Hackers may create false advertisements to lure targets into their trap.
  • Spear Baiting: Spear baiting is backed by extensive research and usually targets specific individuals working in corporate or government institutions.
  • Physical Baiting: In physical baiting, hackers may leave a malicious QR code or USB in a public place and hope that someone would scan or plugin to their system.

· Pretexting:

In pretexting, hackers may disguise themselves as a policeman, bank or insurance representative, or government employee. First, they may gain their target’s trust and then lure them into revealing sensitive information under the pretext of any crucial task.

Also, most people may not realize that they’re being scammed because of the scammer’s well-crafted lies. And eventually, they may end up revealing sensitive information that hackers want to steal their data.

· Scareware:

In scareware, scammers may use emails, malicious ads, links, or attachments to install scareware on their target’s device. Once scareware is installed on the system, it generates false notifications that the system is infected by a virus or malware.

Note that scareware itself is malware, but it may not steal data. It may only notify the target that their system’s drivers, apps, software, and other vital components are infected. In short, scareware triggers fear inside the target and makes them take precautionary measures which hackers want.

Here, bad actors may already be prepared to offer their malicious tools or apps to remove the so-called virus from their target’s device. This way, when their target installs the offered tools/software, the virus creeps inside the system and steals data.

How to Stay Safe from Social Engineering Attacks?

· Use A Reliable Internet Connection:

Did you notice that most social engineering attacks are carried out online? For instance, scammers may launch phishing, baiting, or scareware campaigns via the internet. So, having a trustworthy internet connection becomes vital.

Also, keep in mind that you may still receive scam emails or see malvertisements on a reliable internet. However, it’s the malware or virus that a secure internet connection may stop.

My choice for a reliable internet connection is Spectrum. Besides offering high-speed internet, I also get access to a security suite, which comes with all Spectrum internet packages. The security suite blocks malicious websites even before we can access them.

· Do Not Open Spammy Emails, Attachments, or Links:

Most socially engineered attacks take help from malicious emails, attachments, or links. And I believe the safest practice here is to never open emails or links or download attachments you receive from unknown senders.

Also, if the sender is known but you were not expecting an email, verify from them first before opening it. It’s because hackers may perfectly spoof emails to trick their targets into believing that it’s sent by a trustworthy source.

· Use Anti-Virus Software:

An anti-virus software is specifically designed to monitor and root out viruses and malware. An anti-virus tool can constantly monitor your device for malware or viruses. Once detected, it may automatically remove them.

Also, if you’re suspicious about a file being a virus or malware on your device, you may run a deep security scan. This way, you may ensure that your device is secured from any virus or malware.

Frequently Asked Questions:

What is the most common type of social engineering attack?

Phishing is one of the most common types of social engineering attacks. It may be because it is easier to conduct as compared to other types of social engineering attacks.

How often do hackers use social engineering methods to steal data?

Hackers may frequently use social engineering methods to target people since it may require little to no technical skills to initiate an attack.

Are there any tools that detect social engineering attacks?

Yes, tools like email filters and incident response systems (IRS) can detect social engineering attacks.